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Saturday, December 22, 2018

How to make white background image for ecommerce Photo

How to make a white background image for e-commerce Photo

Hi, friends welcome to you are an e-commerce seller then you know very well your product how white background image is important today I will tell you how you can remove how to make image white background that too without using photoshop cc or any image editing software. we will use two tools for image editing for background removal we will need Microsoft word and second tool to resize images as per marketplace guidelines we will use Paint tool Paint tool friend in windows you get by default it will already available in your system if its windows OS and two images friend step by step image editing I will show you lets jump on screen to start so lets see how –

We can remove product image background we will use very simple tool which is Microsoft word you can see for example 2 images are here basically one is baby clothes which you can see here image taken on flat white background and second product is jewelry this a bangle which image shoot done on white background but problem here the background is not pure white and according to marketplace guideline you need to upload pure white background images and that also different images size required for different marketplaces like Flipkart required 1100px X1100pxin amazon 1000px by 1000px so accordingly. you can resize your item images now .we have open Microsoft word here I am using Microsoft office 2013 you can use 2010 version also but below 2010 version you can notably use this tool here

We will add image first image from any folder you can drag on to open now will remove this image and show you the second method to add images first go to insert option then select images folder and click on image to select now image is here now image is selected so format option is highlighted under Picture tool then on clicking Remove Background option you can remove background if you click anywhere else off images your option will be dis select here you can zoom in zoom out your images here

I have again selected images in Remove Background option and pink area in image is background which need to remove you can see on image selection box around product all pink area will be removed background your have be careful in selection your product also can get remove as you can see few portion of product are already selected from top portion and bottom portion as well first i will tell you available option in this tool option are Mark area to keep Mark area to remove any product image if over selected or left out of selection, we can adjust our selection by using this tools - i will adjust selection box according to product zoom in to check all edges are selected properly and smoothly product are not under pick selection here you can see the label of product is selected for removal - .if we remove background like this selection it will also get remove

I need this pink selected in label in my product picture so for that you need to select mark area to keep and just need to draw simple line see that area now is selected thoroughly we will check more area which is not selected properly, we need to remove that unwanted selection as a=well see inside small portion left now see this potion not selected at all now select mark area to remove again we will check all edges are proper or not now we will zoom out to check thoroughly look all selection are perfect now click on keep changes now see your product image background removed now slightly adjust size for fit canvas according to marketplace guidelines 85% image must cover canvas snow see on left-hand side option Correction now we will do correction of this product image as told you earlier product image quality was not so good In correction tool we can increase sharpness of images 

we can make soft product image adjust brightness and contrast - we can adjust to our desire requirement, it looks too bright not correct will reduce brightness. we need to select exactly brightness and contrast preset option are there like 20% + 0%normal product color near to original now see color correction done now we will save this picture while saving file select PNG format see how difference on original image and edited and corrected images see here in original image this portion was dull stitches was also not properly visible here in enhanced image product stitch are also properly visible and color also got corrected this left side of product was bit blur see that also sharpness got smooth now we need to resize this images will check properties of this images click on details height and width values very high. we will reduce it open paint tool in your system you can resize product image in the paint will open the image in pain there click on resize option adjust pixels as required according to Flipkart.

1 comment:

  1. I liked that you mentioned professional photo editing services offer photo repair, photo retouching and clipping path to make your pictures look great.
